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Car Parking

Xscape Milton Keynes has ample car parking around the building. 

Pay and Display Car Park Tariff

Blue Bays: 80p per hour (Xscape parking)
Purple Bays: 50p per hour (Council owned parking)

View this handy guide to parking in Milton Keynes. For more information about alternative places to park please check the map.

FREE PARKING - Visiting Cineworld to watch a film? Please see a member of staff with your parking ticket and a valid cinema ticket for that day to receive a refund. 

Blue Bays - Xscape Parking

The area nearest to the building is owned by Xscape and managed by Saba Park Services. This area is clearly signed Xscape Car Park. All Xscape owned bays are marked with a blue line and payment should be made in a blue machine.

Purple Bays - Council Owned Parking

The car park around Xscape is split into two different sections, the outer section is Council owned and managed by NSL (the purple area). All entrances into the car park are clearly marked as such. All Council bays are marked with a purple line and payment should be made in a black machine.

In adjoining areas there are two sets of Parking Meters, both clearly marked with the areas that their tickets are valid for. Please double check that you are putting money into the correct meter - black machine for Council bays and blue machine for Xscape bays.

Don't have any coins for parking? No problem, our cashless parking provides you with the opportunity to pay for your parking via text message or phone call. Instructions on how to do this are onsite in the car parking areas.